Dress code
As the most senior members of the school our sixth formers are expected to be positive role models for our younger students. This includes attire and conduct at all times.
Dress should be smart casual and suitable for an office environment. Students should be comfortable and unconstrained, but should bear in mind that they are the public face of Grey Court amongst the wider community. This means that clothing should enhance the reputation of the school.
Generally, a common sense approach should be used. As a guideline:
- No very short skirts or shorts (no more than approximately 4 inches above the knee)
- No exposed midriff
- No tops with low backs or sides
- No clothes that expose underwear (including low hanging trousers)
- No ripped jeans
- No tracksuit trousers (unless involved in school sporting activities on that day)
- No strapless tops or tops with spaghetti straps
- No clothing with distasteful or offensive images or words
- No visible piercings other than earrings or nose piercings (for those with pierced noses, preferably studs, and nose or septum rings should be as small as possible)
- Tattoos should be covered by clothing at all times
- Hats and hoods should not be worn indoors.